So today was actually pretty sweet... This morning, I spent two hours preparing for two ELL (English-language-learner) classes that I was going to teach about tobacco today. I translated a TON of stuff, I practiced my facts, I read info in Spanish... I fully intended on presenting at least some of the info in Spanish to the class. (All of the kids spoke Spanish as a first language.)
I was stoked to do my first tobacco lessons en español! On the drive over to the high school, I only listened to music in Spanish. I practiced facts and pronounciation and I was feeling pretty confident.
When I arrived in the classroom, I was shaky and nervous, but very excited as well. I greeted the students with a hearty, "Buenos dias" (good morning), and I asked them (in Spanish) if they all spoke Spanish. They responded affirmatively. I then asked if they'd prefer to receive the information en ingles (English) o español. To my dismay, they chose English!! What are the odds???
Anyway, it also turned out that the second ELL class I was supposed to do today cancelled on me! They came to a lesson we did yesterday, so the teacher had other plans for today's class. Bummer! The kids in the class I *did* teach weren't bad. They thought it was funny whenever I got geeked out about something (as evidenced by my jumping up and down or shrieking out something). However, they talked during the ENTIRE video I showed, which was annoying to no end. Upon the conclusion of the video, I asked for comments and questions. They brought up a few for a couple minutes, then were silent! They sure had had enough to say during the movie!! Grr... Anyway, they were at least interested, and they were basically courteous to my face. I left a little annoyed, but it wasn't terrible.
Lunch for the high school is between the 3rd and 4th blocks of the day, so my roommate and I had pre-planned to do lunch together today in his room. We had a lovely meal that his office-mate cooked for us, and my rommate's friend joined us, too. The 4 of us had a good time, and we were all able to chill a bit.
After lunch, James (my roommate) asked if I needed to go to his drama class to present any information, since my other class had been cancelled. (You see, I'm recruiting the drama class to help make new anti-tobacco videos, so James & I are collaborating to make it happen. His kids are excited about it, too, so that definitely helps!) Anyway, I said that I'd go in for a few minutes and just give some basic info.
Wow!! "A few minutes" turned into over an hour!! The students were extremely interested in the information I presented. They had excellent questions, and we had an AWESOME discussion!! We talked about whether tobacco should be legal or not... A few students shared stories about loved ones who'd died from tobacco use. We had quite a few people shed tears. It shocked the crap out of me! The kids took notes, they participated actively... it was just wonderful. Those are the times when I'm *really* glad I'm still teaching in some capacity! Man... I'm just so in love with my job. It's so cool.
Sorry... it's hard to explain just how sweet today was. I'm finding (my to my surprise) that I *like* most teenagers. Up until recently, I'd decided I didn't. However, they're smart and they're interested in things and they're still fairly idealistic. Sigh. One of the students today even took the liberty of writing down everyone's questions that I couldn't answer, so that I can get back to them with the information. Awesomeness. Another student, after learning that there are traces of urine in manufactured tobacco, exclaimed, "Gross! That alone makes me really want to quit!" I couldn't help but beam.
Next week, we're starting an experimental cessation class for high schoolers in the area. Apparently, our office has never done one, and I (yours truly!) will be facilitating it!! I'm so stoked! My boss is going to help me for the first class or two (of six), then I'm on my own. So far, 12 kids are signed up for the class... my goal is to get them all at least thinking about quitting. I figure I'm doing something good here.
Also of note... statistics! The kids in James's class were oddly fascinated with numbers! A lot of the questions I couldn't answer centered around stats. (e.g., " What is the average age of death for people who die from tobacco use?", "What percent of children of smokers go on to become smokers themselves?", "How many infant deaths are caused because of tobacco use?") I mean, MAN, these kids had some good questions!!
We even delved into politics and public policy. I explained that my job is funded primarily by the tobacco tax, and that there's the new SCHIP initiative to have smokers essentially fund some child health care. I asked the students what they thought about taxing smokers to do this. One student replied, "Man, they should tax the industry, not the consumer!" Oh... it was just so cool!
Ok, I've gotta go look up a LOT of stats for these kids before I forget! Suffice it to say I'm very happy with my job! :)
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
A funny thing happened on the way to the dermatologist...
... Not really, but I like the title. :)
Anyway, I just had the *best* experience at the dermatologist's office! (If you reference my previous entry, you'll see that I noted a funky, nasty rash on my leg... This is the follow-up.)
It all began by me walking to the office door, which a kindly (if not a bit "off") patient opened for me. He was very pleasant, and I was thankful for his nice gesture. Though I had to wait about 20 minutes past my original appointment time, it was worth it. It was during this "wait time" that I was able to overhear a delightful conversation amongst senior citizens. (I was the youngest person in the waiting room by at least 40 years.)
There were 4 senior men and one wife in our gleeful, overheated room. The men were joking with each other (all complete strangers, it seemed) that none of them were of drafting age any longer. When a younger (mid-50s??) gentleman came in a few minutes later, they all agreed: "He is definitely still of drafting age!" It was apparently a compliment among this community, and I smiled at the thought.
I wish to gosh I remembered the specifics of the conversation, for it was absolutely adorable. There was talk of two of the fellows' origins (one, from South Dakota, recited his state's version of the National Anthem, which ended in "...and two squaws for every man.")... There was talk of former military service... These people were adorable!
The wife, at one point, left the room to retrieve a chocolate hard candy for her husband. When she returned, she noticed that her husband had scooted to sit by two of the other gentlemen. She lamented sweetly, "Why, if I'd have known there would be three gentlemen, I would have brought a few more candies!"
Anyway, long story short, the dermatologist eventually told me that I have one of the following: contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction to something like poison oak or poison ivy), impetigo, or MRSA (staph). Joy! However, he said it's easily treatable (he's treating me for all 3), and that I should be "back to as beautiful as you were before" in just a week or two!! Yay! I also inquired about my prior acne condition (I had HORRIBLE skin as a teenager/young adult), to which he replied, "Wow, I would never have known you had bad skin. You have a gorgeous complexion." Gorgeous. Complexion. I NEVER thought I'd hear these words uttered in order to ME from someone who looks at skin all day!! It completely elated me. Score.
Ok, so I'm over hours at work... Gotta jet! Peace out, children! :)
Anyway, I just had the *best* experience at the dermatologist's office! (If you reference my previous entry, you'll see that I noted a funky, nasty rash on my leg... This is the follow-up.)
It all began by me walking to the office door, which a kindly (if not a bit "off") patient opened for me. He was very pleasant, and I was thankful for his nice gesture. Though I had to wait about 20 minutes past my original appointment time, it was worth it. It was during this "wait time" that I was able to overhear a delightful conversation amongst senior citizens. (I was the youngest person in the waiting room by at least 40 years.)
There were 4 senior men and one wife in our gleeful, overheated room. The men were joking with each other (all complete strangers, it seemed) that none of them were of drafting age any longer. When a younger (mid-50s??) gentleman came in a few minutes later, they all agreed: "He is definitely still of drafting age!" It was apparently a compliment among this community, and I smiled at the thought.
I wish to gosh I remembered the specifics of the conversation, for it was absolutely adorable. There was talk of two of the fellows' origins (one, from South Dakota, recited his state's version of the National Anthem, which ended in "...and two squaws for every man.")... There was talk of former military service... These people were adorable!
The wife, at one point, left the room to retrieve a chocolate hard candy for her husband. When she returned, she noticed that her husband had scooted to sit by two of the other gentlemen. She lamented sweetly, "Why, if I'd have known there would be three gentlemen, I would have brought a few more candies!"
Anyway, long story short, the dermatologist eventually told me that I have one of the following: contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction to something like poison oak or poison ivy), impetigo, or MRSA (staph). Joy! However, he said it's easily treatable (he's treating me for all 3), and that I should be "back to as beautiful as you were before" in just a week or two!! Yay! I also inquired about my prior acne condition (I had HORRIBLE skin as a teenager/young adult), to which he replied, "Wow, I would never have known you had bad skin. You have a gorgeous complexion." Gorgeous. Complexion. I NEVER thought I'd hear these words uttered in order to ME from someone who looks at skin all day!! It completely elated me. Score.
Ok, so I'm over hours at work... Gotta jet! Peace out, children! :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm falling apart!! Literally!
So my body is going through the craziest time of its life... It's freaking me out. My *current* afflictions are:
-MCV (molluscum contagiosum)
-HPV (human papillomavirus)
-dysplasia due to HPV (these cells may be pre-cancerous; I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor)
-some funky skin rash on my left calf that's getting worse (I'm going to the dermatologist tomorrow!)
-lack of sense of taste (yet I can smell...) for more than two months
-what is most likely a yeast infection
I think that's it... but I'm falling apart at the seams!!
My car, ever neglected, felt she would join in the fun. The coolant/anti-freeze is going through the tank like a sieve. When I drive home from work, the car is smoking and smells like molases. I must take the car in, too!
Le sigh. Just thought I'd letcha all know why I may not be around to write future entries... :P
-MCV (molluscum contagiosum)
-HPV (human papillomavirus)
-dysplasia due to HPV (these cells may be pre-cancerous; I'm waiting to hear back from the doctor)
-some funky skin rash on my left calf that's getting worse (I'm going to the dermatologist tomorrow!)
-lack of sense of taste (yet I can smell...) for more than two months
-what is most likely a yeast infection
I think that's it... but I'm falling apart at the seams!!
My car, ever neglected, felt she would join in the fun. The coolant/anti-freeze is going through the tank like a sieve. When I drive home from work, the car is smoking and smells like molases. I must take the car in, too!
Le sigh. Just thought I'd letcha all know why I may not be around to write future entries... :P
Friday, January 11, 2008
Quick question...
Is flag burning illegal in the United States?
This is an issue that has been heatedly debated in my office yesterday & today. (I must admit, I brought it on by accident...) Anyway, I'm just curious. As of right now, I think it's a freedom protected under the First Amendment, but I'm not entirely sure. If you argue either way, please cite your sources. Thank you!
This is an issue that has been heatedly debated in my office yesterday & today. (I must admit, I brought it on by accident...) Anyway, I'm just curious. As of right now, I think it's a freedom protected under the First Amendment, but I'm not entirely sure. If you argue either way, please cite your sources. Thank you!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
What I like about... me
So I like that I generally try to speak up when I hear misinformation presented. I remember doing this in college, and I've just done it again at work. Of course, speaking one's opinion has a time and a place, but I felt this was a good time and place.
Anyway, this particular issue pertained to online/e-mail petitions. A coworker of mine, who I like, sent an e-mail from MADD (supposedly). It contained a poem and a nasty little guilt-based letter encouraging the reader to "sign" the petition at the bottom. In fact, said message reads:
If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make. After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!
How to set it up:
* Click on Forward
* Then send it to everyone you know.
So I was a little peeved, knowing that I'm not an extremely selfish person. I am also not a sucker, however, so I felt I had to speak up somehow.
Anyway, I was pretty proud of the little retort I composed and sent off:
As much as I am all FOR groups like MADD and other anti-drunk-driving committees, I have read time and again that e-mail/internet petitions are generally a waste of time. I don’t mind reading the poetry or the information or whatever, but a list of typed names at the end of an e-mail is of little use to policymakers. Here are some sources if you’re skeptical:
I don’t mean to get on anyone’s bad side, but I thought I’d spread the good word about the futility of online petitions, especially when no verifying information is required. If you have any comments, I welcome your discourse.
Thank you all, and I’m sure I’ll see you soon,
Mb :)
So that's that. Just thought I'd share. :)
P.S. After looking on the MADD website, I found the exact thing I'd been looking for. Directly from their site:
"Q: I received an email petition accompanied by a poem about a young girl killed by a drunk driver. Is this petition sponsored by MADD? What happens to the signatures?
A: The petition circulating via e-mail accompanied with the poem titled 'I Went to a Party Mom' did not originate with nor is it endorsed by MADD.
While the petition you received probably began with good intentions, MADD did not initiate the campaign. Some variations of the e-mail use language that we feel to be inappropriate. Moreover, the e-mail asks you to participate in a petition, which does little to advance the fight against drunk driving.
Your inquiry about this petition shows that you would like to help. You can make a real difference today in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking by learning how you can play a part in MADD's lifesaving work.
You can also visit our Web site to learn more ways to help this cause please also consider making a Make a Financial Contribution MADD.
The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. Thank you again for your support."
Anyway, this particular issue pertained to online/e-mail petitions. A coworker of mine, who I like, sent an e-mail from MADD (supposedly). It contained a poem and a nasty little guilt-based letter encouraging the reader to "sign" the petition at the bottom. In fact, said message reads:
If you receive this petition and do nothing but delete it, your selfishness knows no bounds. Signing is such a small effort to make. After you have read the poem, please add your name at the bottom. And never forget, DON'T EVER DRINK AND DRIVE, not even once, thinking that it won't matter. IT DEFINITELY WILL MATTER!!!
How to set it up:
* Click on Forward
* Then send it to everyone you know.
So I was a little peeved, knowing that I'm not an extremely selfish person. I am also not a sucker, however, so I felt I had to speak up somehow.
Anyway, I was pretty proud of the little retort I composed and sent off:
As much as I am all FOR groups like MADD and other anti-drunk-driving committees, I have read time and again that e-mail/internet petitions are generally a waste of time. I don’t mind reading the poetry or the information or whatever, but a list of typed names at the end of an e-mail is of little use to policymakers. Here are some sources if you’re skeptical:
I don’t mean to get on anyone’s bad side, but I thought I’d spread the good word about the futility of online petitions, especially when no verifying information is required. If you have any comments, I welcome your discourse.
Thank you all, and I’m sure I’ll see you soon,
Mb :)
So that's that. Just thought I'd share. :)
P.S. After looking on the MADD website, I found the exact thing I'd been looking for. Directly from their site:
"Q: I received an email petition accompanied by a poem about a young girl killed by a drunk driver. Is this petition sponsored by MADD? What happens to the signatures?
A: The petition circulating via e-mail accompanied with the poem titled 'I Went to a Party Mom' did not originate with nor is it endorsed by MADD.
While the petition you received probably began with good intentions, MADD did not initiate the campaign. Some variations of the e-mail use language that we feel to be inappropriate. Moreover, the e-mail asks you to participate in a petition, which does little to advance the fight against drunk driving.
Your inquiry about this petition shows that you would like to help. You can make a real difference today in the fight against drunk driving and underage drinking by learning how you can play a part in MADD's lifesaving work.
You can also visit our Web site to learn more ways to help this cause please also consider making a Make a Financial Contribution MADD.
The mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking. Thank you again for your support."
Monday, January 7, 2008
Happy new year to you!
So here we are in 2008, friends. My, how time flies!!
As I find myself happily back at work (ah, yes, I was here 4 days last week as well), I've been catching up on work-related readings. From, here is a report on what I think to be a money-wasting study:
Drinking Games, Themed Parties Increase Alcohol Consumption, Report Finds
January 4, 2008
Researchers who visited college parties to observe drinking patterns concluded that gatherings that featured drinking games or specific themes tended to result in more alcohol consumption.
The study from researchers at San Diego State University (SDSU) and the University of Michigan was based on observations and questioning of 1,304 young adults who attended 66 college parties.
"Most studies use survey methods that require people to recall their drinking behavior – days, weeks or months prior – and such recall is not always accurate," said J.D. Clapp, director of the Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies and Services at SDSU and corresponding author for the study. "By going out into the field and doing observations and surveys, including breath tests for alcohol concentrations, we were able to mitigate many of the problems associated with recall of behavior and complex settings."
"Both individual behavior and the environment matter when it comes to student-drinking behavior," added Clapp. "At the individual level, playing drinking games and having a history of binge drinking predicted higher [BAC readings]. At the environmental level, having a lot of intoxicated people at a party and themed events predicted higher [BAC readings]."
Clapp added that researchers also found that "young women drank more heavily than males at themed events. It is rare to find any situation where women drink more than men, and these events tended to have sexualized themes and costumes."
The study was published in the January 2008 issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
Here is the link, if you want to check it out for yourself.
What?!??! Drinking games *increase* alcohol consumption??? You're kidding me!
What I actually can't believe is how TWO major universities took the time to do these studies!! Craziness. Maybe it's just an excuse for the researchers to get out and do a little partying themselves... Who knows?
Anyway, that's it for now. Life is good! :)
Here's my attempt to put in a photo of the article... (Yes, I have a bit too much time on my hands...)
As I find myself happily back at work (ah, yes, I was here 4 days last week as well), I've been catching up on work-related readings. From, here is a report on what I think to be a money-wasting study:
Drinking Games, Themed Parties Increase Alcohol Consumption, Report Finds
January 4, 2008
Researchers who visited college parties to observe drinking patterns concluded that gatherings that featured drinking games or specific themes tended to result in more alcohol consumption.
The study from researchers at San Diego State University (SDSU) and the University of Michigan was based on observations and questioning of 1,304 young adults who attended 66 college parties.
"Most studies use survey methods that require people to recall their drinking behavior – days, weeks or months prior – and such recall is not always accurate," said J.D. Clapp, director of the Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies and Services at SDSU and corresponding author for the study. "By going out into the field and doing observations and surveys, including breath tests for alcohol concentrations, we were able to mitigate many of the problems associated with recall of behavior and complex settings."
"Both individual behavior and the environment matter when it comes to student-drinking behavior," added Clapp. "At the individual level, playing drinking games and having a history of binge drinking predicted higher [BAC readings]. At the environmental level, having a lot of intoxicated people at a party and themed events predicted higher [BAC readings]."
Clapp added that researchers also found that "young women drank more heavily than males at themed events. It is rare to find any situation where women drink more than men, and these events tended to have sexualized themes and costumes."
The study was published in the January 2008 issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
Here is the link, if you want to check it out for yourself.
What?!??! Drinking games *increase* alcohol consumption??? You're kidding me!
What I actually can't believe is how TWO major universities took the time to do these studies!! Craziness. Maybe it's just an excuse for the researchers to get out and do a little partying themselves... Who knows?
Anyway, that's it for now. Life is good! :)
Here's my attempt to put in a photo of the article... (Yes, I have a bit too much time on my hands...)

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