Anyway, my roommate's been pretty cool as of late. On Sunday, we bought puzzles to assemble & eventually hang on the wall. Here's the current state of puzzle #1:

Perty, huh? It's *only* 1,000 pieces. Leave it to James to start with the hardest one!!
Second, James took it upon himself to get our fireplace goin'! He bought some (fake) logs, and we then had our first fire ever:

Score!! Then, last night, James took it upon himself to get me tulips (lovely!) and make a killer dinner, since he's leaving today for Thanksgiving break. (Lucky bastard.) It was awesome, even though I couldn't really taste anything and didn't have much of an appetite. Observe:

So, all in all, good roommate stuff in these parts.
Next topic: a recent positive experience I've had. We'll call it "mini church." So Sunday, there was this Mitzvah ("good deed") day throughout the area where I live. It was a day where all kinds of groups (religious, service, etc.) come together and volunteer for various projects. I helped wash windows at a senior living community, which was a lot of fun (even with a nasty cough and no voice!).
The whole day was started at a community Catholic church. While I can't say I'm a big fan of organized religion, there is something from it I miss dearly: a sense of community. Well, Sunday's "mini church" was just the ticket! At the kick off for Mitzvah Day, we all registered, ate food, and gathered in the church's pews for some singing and a quick blessing by both a rabbi and a priest. It was then off to do our volunteer work!
I couldn't help but think: this is how religious services should be!! Gather together to eat food, sing some songs, have a quick blessing, and then go out into the community to serve others. It was wonderful. If services were like that, I'd go all the time! What better way to celebrate and love than to go out and share your service with others! I left the church, refreshed, invigorated, and inspired. Perhaps I shall have my own religion. I may call it Awesometology.
Anyway, that's about it for now. Wanted to share some good news with y'all! :)
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