Thursday, December 20, 2007

Survey says...

So I've been taking some online surveys to get some free stuff... The surveys are actually pretty cool. One time, they mailed me a new Progresso soup that I got to sample & report on. Good stuff.

Anyway, I took another survey today about Sure antipersperant/deodorant. Here are some excerpts:

[Prompt:] Describe the ad as if you were talking to a friend.

me: "Hey, Andrew."
Andrew: "Hey."
me: "So I saw this new ad for Sure deodorant."
A: "Really? Tell me about it."
me: "Well, it had this guy running in a train station, and the ad said 'u r not afraid of a morning jog' or something like that."
A: "And how was 'you are' spelled? Don't tell me it was like a text message."
me: "Oh, it was. They just used the letters ‘U’ and ‘R’ to represent the actual words."
A: "But you hate stuff like that, Ms. Grammar Queen!"
me: "I know, but upon further examination, I realized that if you took out the 'S' and 'e' in 'Sure,' you're left with 'u r.' Brilliant, really."
A: "Surely. So, what are we doing this weekend?"

[Prompt:] What does the phrase “Protect who U R” mean to you?

It means that the texting/internet culture has dominated over conventional use of the English language. Honestly, it's a bit disconcerting, but those who ignore change have to deal with it anyway.

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