Sunday, February 24, 2008

Boring = bad??

So a certain friend/ex-boyfriend of mine informed me today that my blog is somewhat dry. ("Boring" was the exact term used.)


In my defense, I say that this "boring"ness may result from a lack of drama, which I perceive as a good thing. However, for this entry, I shall be a bit more personal, if for no other reason than to change it up a bit.

Here are 10 personal things going on in my life (Mom, you may want to skip this posting)...

10.) I'm somewhat restless, even though I really like my job. I'd love to take a trip to Asia or Australia (thus hitting continent #5 at or before age 25), but I can't afford it at present.

9.) "The Bucket List" was awesome! I saw it yesterday with a fellow tutor, and it rocked. I will probably make a "bucket list" of my own soon, listing those things I'd like to see/do before I die.

8.) I haven't been in love in over a year, and I miss it (being in love). A lot. However, I'm kind of enjoying "kickin' it" with myself. It's also kinda nice to not have to share my bed! :)

7.) I have a standing offer for a menage trois with a lovely couple not far from me. We'll see how that plays out, though I can see myself getting cold feet.

6.) I'm suddenly more aware of my mortality and how fragile life can be. (This was before I saw "The Bucket List," by the way, so it was in no way influenced by that.)

5.) For once, I really, really like who I am. I think I am a pretty decent person, and I'm proud to be me. However, this recent discovery has made me extremely picky in the guy department. So much so that I'm afraid I've turned down several really great guys due to minimal annoyances. (Case in point: I ultimately broke up wiht one guy because he cleared his throat LITERALLY every two minutes.)

4.) Though I really don't like saying I have any regrets, I do. I wish I'd treated my boyfriends better a few years back. I wish I'd have picked one and stuck with him, no matter what outside distractions came my way. (I'm afraid I won't be able to commit long-term when it really comes down to it... However, I know I can work at it and make a good commitment happen if I really want to.)

3.) I'm really stoked about my new goal to run a half-marathon this year. I realized today, during a 42-minute run, that I may actually be able to do this thing. Right now, I've chosen Columbus, Ohio's event in October. I chose there because of the following reasons: my family is in Ohio and could come see me; it'd literally be running down memory lane, since I went to undergrad at OSU; there's one person in particular who lives there who I'd *really* want to come cheer me on.

2.) I really want kids someday. This has caused me to no longer date anyone who does not want children. (I'm also extremely hesitant to date someone who isn't sure about kids.) I think- honest to God/universe- that I'd make one hell of a parent.

1.) Recently, I've decided/realized that I'm addicted to love, or at least the pursuit of it. It drives me, it really does. And while I want success (as measured by a good salary that I'd help others with), I desire romantic love above all else right now. However, it doesn't seem it's in the cards, so I'm taking this time to chill out and enjoy my stint in my little town in Arizona. :) At least it's warmish and beautiful!

There. Personal enough for you? Have a good one, folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to disagree with your former boyfriend/friend but I never found your blogs dry or boring. Ever.

Please don't add a menage a trois to your list of regrets. It would be a biggie.

When the time is right, you will make one heck of a wife, mother, and partner. You haven't met the right person yet. When you do, no outside attractions/distractions will appeal to you the way they do now or did then. You are a loyal and faithful friend and girlfriend. You know what you can and cannot put up with or tolerate. Sometimes people have to meet each other half way and attempt to work on things which bother each other. Love is a two-way street not "my way or the highway." It's give and take and commitment and love and laughter and loyalty. When it's right, there is nothing better. When it's wrong, there is nothing worse. Look at the happy couples you know (your parents, your cousins, etc.). It can be very, very good and it's definitely worth waiting for.

Travel is in your blood. Save up for a big trip and find someone to go with you. In the meantime, explore other options. I understand Ohio is a wonderful place to visit. lol There are also inexpensive last-minute cruise prices that would fit your budget and let you have a new experience.

I'm really glad you want children. They are the best part of life. It's amazing to see the world through the eyes of a child. To experinece totally unconditional love for one another is a blessing.

You are totally and completely loved forever and ever and even longer.
