Anyway, welcome to Mb's head. Feel free to stop reading at any point! :)
Last week, I watched the movie "The Kite Runner." I thought it was outstanding, because it made me think long after the movie was over. I also had had a brief bout of patriotism brought on by "The Kite Runner," which is no small feat. I realized that yes, as Americans, we do have a great degree of freedom which I usually don't give a second thought. We are able to dress and speak and live (basically) as we choose. It's really not such a bad life. No, I don't agree with most of our leaders, and no, I don't think war is a good answer... but my day-to-day life is pretty damn good, especially when compared to life in war-torn nations.
Next up: on being an over-achiever. I like to think of myself as a sporadic over-achiever. That is to say, when something takes my interest (be it a boy or a work project or a homework assignment or whatever), I take it and run with it. Lately, I've been having a great deal of fun working on Power Point presentations for the aforementioned business class I'm taking. I really enjoy putting those little puppies together. I think they're clever, amusing, and well-written (not unlike this blog??). They do have more photos, though. Let me try and insert some sample slides... (Click on any slide to make it full-screen.)
I did it!! That was my title slide from tonight's presentation. Here are some others I like:
(The next few are older)...
Ha! So I like to go "above and beyond" on stuff like this. It's fun. I just... I guess I just wish more people got more enthusiastic about more things. Hmm... like, I wish people in general had more of a passion for doing positive things (for themselves and others) than being so petty and unoriginal. Sigh.
Next... I'm freaking out about my job status. I still have 2.5 more months to find something, but it's unnerving as all get-out. My top 4 choices at this particular moment (in order):
1.) Teach outside the country with the Department of Defense Educational Activity (DoDDEA).
2.) Teach somewhere in Arizona (probably Phoenix).
3.) Go back to school for either a paralegal or other professional degree.
4.) Work as a detention officer for a year or so and learn an immense amount about humanity.*
So those are some of the options I'm weighing at present.
I think that's it for now. Oh, and I like my teenage smoking cessation class a lot. I'm on my second class, and this group is 6 boys who come from 4 different countries (South Korea, Brazil, Germany, and El Salvador). I realized today, during our discussion, that I genuinely like each one and want what's best for them. They, like so many teenagers I've seen, are intelligent and insightful. They have good thoughts and ideas, and I want to help empower them to do something positive with their lives. Hm. Maybe I *should* go back to teaching.
*Mom, I know you won't like this fourth option. Sorry. But I think it'd be a fascinating study on human nature. I'll be safe, don't worry! :)
Whatever you end up doing you're going to be GREAT at it!! :)
(I hear Page is a nice place to get back into teaching...)
-Andrew :)
Personally, I think you should see how many hours you would need to add 7-12 (or the equivalent certificate) and teach at a middle or high school. You'd be awesome.
What about teaching in Cottonwood? Our Ohio RIF day was yesterday and my district laid off 23 teachers, primarily elementary and middle school.
Instead of being a corrections officer, what about teaching in a corrections environment?
You can always come to Ohio and proctor the SAT/ACT for me! lol
Momita :)
P.S. I fully agree with Fandrew!
you could move to brasil and so smoking cessation programs there! so many people smoke there it's not even funny. i think andrew's idea about teaching in a corrections idea is awesome. talk about making a difference in the world!
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