I just had a job interview at our local middle school an hour ago. Although I was extremely nervous, it seemed to go reasonably well. I think it's a good thing when you're able to joke around easily with your potential coworkers.
Today was quite a day!! We had our community event "Body Walk," which takes area 3rd graders on a trip throughout the body. As in March, I was Dr. Lungenstein, who told kids (in a bad, fake German accent) about the dangers of tobacco use. Here's me in full costume:

So with yesterday, today and tomorrow, we'll have seen almost 500 third graders! It's pretty exhausting, but very enjoyable. That was today at work. After work, I had a CFT (Child-Family Team) meeting for my CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocate) girl... It was very interesting! I tried to help as much as I could, but I'm not sure what resources are available yet, so it was difficult to contribute much. Right after the CFT meeting, I had to jet over to the middle school for the aforementioned job interview. Overall, I think it was good. They were already familiar with the rap I performed last month at the school.
Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, I have somewhat of a dilemma... Do I go where the staff is cool and I know the area (Cottonwood), but the pay is just ok... OR do I go somewhere new and different that pays very well (Yuma)? I got another call yesterday from a district down in BFE: it's right near Yuma, which is on the Arizona/California/Mexico border. Wicked. It's 3 hours from both Phoenix and San Diego (in between), and it's only an hour or two from the ocean!! However, I don't know anyone there, and I'm very nervous about my Spanish-speaking abilities. (I'd have to practice a LOT!) However... it's a challenge and it's new and different (and it pays about $10,000/year more than the local job). Eek!! Decisions!! I'm just really, really unsure of what to do. Thoughts/comments are always welcome!
Okee... for now I'm off, but I'll catch you all on the flipside!
Peace out.
Until you visit Yuma and the other district, I wouldn't rule anything out. You at least need to check out the districts and see if you're comfortable there. Money isn't everything (yes, it definitely helps and is necessary) but being happy with your job and where you live is more important. Be the best You You can be. Part of that is being happy and content. Right now is a stressful time; but when you moved to Arizona, you didn't know anyone and look at the great support system you have now. You're a lot like your grandmother that way. She didn't know anyone in Chicago but moved there from Rock Falls when she was only 17. You, Sarah, and Grandma are adventurers and I love you all for it!
When you like the people you work with, your job is so much easier :-)
Can you tell me more about CASA? I am really considering going through the process to become an advocate after I graduate.
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