(Sorry, I'm totally hooked on that Billy Joel song at the moment.)
Well, I just finished reading
The Last Lecture by
Randy Pausch. PHENOMENAL book... wow. Mr. Pausch has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and doesn't have much logner to live. He gave a lecture at
Carnegie Mellon University and then had it turned into a book. Incredible!
Anyway, this dying fellow's story got me sort of re-examining my life and trying to appreciate the things I take for granted. Though I realize it's not anywhere *near* as intense as dying, I know that my days at this job are numbered (18 left, to be precise)... and I'm almost done living in Cottonwood. Thus, I'm trying to take everything in I can. That includes appreciating(among other things) the following:
*the myriad stars I can see each night
*the smell of Cottonwood and northern Arizona in general: delightful and clean!
*my 5-minute commute to work each day
*having a HUGE room, a really nice house, and an awesome roommate (who's now in Colorado for the summer)
*my lovely cat, Isaac, for whom I'll probably have to find a new home soon
*complete and utter independence (which I may temporarily lose if/when I move to L.A.)
*having amazing and fun coworkers
*being proficient at my job and having downtime at work to plan for my future
*feeling like a member of the community, frequently knowing people around town
*the LOVELY scenery around here!!!!
However, I now accept that it's time for me to move on. At this point, I'm 95% certain that I will be moving to L.A. in a few weeks. While I'm scared by this concept, I'm also excited for the new opportunity it brings. I toured
UCLA last weekend, and I was completely charmed by it!! I find out next Wednesday if I'm in or not and if I am, I'm going! :)
Also, trying to keep things fun, I've created some lovely
LOLCat-eqsue images for you!! :) Enjoy, and I'll catch you guys on the flipside!