Well, I just finished reading The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. PHENOMENAL book... wow. Mr. Pausch has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and doesn't have much logner to live. He gave a lecture at Carnegie Mellon University and then had it turned into a book. Incredible!
Anyway, this dying fellow's story got me sort of re-examining my life and trying to appreciate the things I take for granted. Though I realize it's not anywhere *near* as intense as dying, I know that my days at this job are numbered (18 left, to be precise)... and I'm almost done living in Cottonwood. Thus, I'm trying to take everything in I can. That includes appreciating(among other things) the following:
*the myriad stars I can see each night
*the smell of Cottonwood and northern Arizona in general: delightful and clean!
*my 5-minute commute to work each day
*having a HUGE room, a really nice house, and an awesome roommate (who's now in Colorado for the summer)
*my lovely cat, Isaac, for whom I'll probably have to find a new home soon
*complete and utter independence (which I may temporarily lose if/when I move to L.A.)
*having amazing and fun coworkers
*being proficient at my job and having downtime at work to plan for my future
*feeling like a member of the community, frequently knowing people around town
*the LOVELY scenery around here!!!!
However, I now accept that it's time for me to move on. At this point, I'm 95% certain that I will be moving to L.A. in a few weeks. While I'm scared by this concept, I'm also excited for the new opportunity it brings. I toured UCLA last weekend, and I was completely charmed by it!! I find out next Wednesday if I'm in or not and if I am, I'm going! :)
Also, trying to keep things fun, I've created some lovely LOLCat-eqsue images for you!! :) Enjoy, and I'll catch you guys on the flipside!

Aww... You're going to get rid of Isaac? That's sad. However, possibly moving to L.A... That's exciting news! Yay for you!!
Eve :-)
Can Andrew keep Isaac so you can visit him? What about the cousins or James?
no apartment will take your kitty??? i understand moving him would be hard though. we've already discussed how we're going to move oliver from columbus to san jose (assuming that's where we're ending up) and it's going to have to involve a lot of tranquilizers, haha.
love the lolcatz pics btw!
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