Thursday, June 7, 2007

So lately, I've been pretty exhausted physically. Maybe it's because I have a 45-minute commute twice a day. Maybe it's because my new job requires much more sitting than teaching. Maybe it's because my body is trying to recover from the school year. Maybe it's because I've contracted some rare infectious disease. Who knows? (Most likely, it's some combination of the above factors... especially the infectious disease one.)

Anyway, my brain is hungry for knowledge!! I'm loving the new job so far (from where I currently write... muwahaha), as my learning curve is pretty huge right now. I've learned many health- and policy-related things every day, and I love it! Today, I had to have a TB training with one of the nurses here at County. She was very knowledgeable, and also informed me that the art of detecting and preventing TB is a highly subjective process. I suppose I'm constantly surprised when the sciences don't seem to know as much as I had thought they did. (I remember in college when I took astronomy, and I was just shocked that scientists only have theories about how the moon formed- they don't actually know!!)

Right. So I'm planning on taking some community college courses beginning in August to further my neverending quest for knowledge. (I'm also planning on getting a second job and joining the community band, just so I don't go stir-crazy.) I'm reeeeeally interested in taking some more science courses, especially Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology, and anything health-related. I wish they had survey courses on diseases (communicable, infectious, hell, I don't care!) for the general public. I'd be in heaven. However, the local community college doesn't seem to offer the kind of classes I want to take in the evening. Most upsetting. Why can't I, the standard full-time employee, learn more about the sciences after putting in my 8 hours? Someday, I suppose...

For now, I keep on reading Health Department policies and procedures, and watch a few more tobacco prevention programs. Have a lovely day, nonexistent readers! :)

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