Without further ado, the pictures:

(my hair for ze wedding)

(my sister's hair)

(my sister with my dad... i love it!)

(sisters and the photographer's arm!)

(the ladies of the bridal party: bridesmaids in purple and honorary bridesmaids in black)

(my sis & me in the "bridal party's ladies' prep room"

(ze couple, professing the awesomest vows i've ever heard)

(my family!! and my mom's eyes were shut in all these pics, so i just picked the best one.)

(i like this pic, b/c it's the whole family, but it's not perfect... except my dad & bridesis, are doing other stuff. i'm also playing with the formatting of pictures.)

(my sis w/ our niece, tabatha. i love this picture.)

(the entire bridal party, complete with my ex! [he's the last guy on the right.] it was cool, though.)

(the happy couple, slicing ze cake!)

(my sis's rockin' new ink... gotta love it!)

(me & my good friend, joe, in the midst of 2-hour-long dancing!!)
Will you please print out the family one? I'd like it to be our Christmas card this year. Thanks!
Love you,
Momita :)
Mary Beth (EX-teacher now!) -- I found your new blog and LOVE the wedding pix!! I'm the blogger in Columbus who figured out you came from the east side of Cleveland, and you wrote back you had some friends who attended my alma mater (Oberlin). Drop me a line -- I think your information is still buried on my old laptop.
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