On the way to Denver from Phoenix, my friend and I were overly reminded (by airline employees, signs, etc.) that there is a liquid restriction on flights nowadays. (See picture below for an idea.)

Since I'd never gotten "caught" with full-size containers of toiletries, I figured I'd try my luck...
... And I got away with it for a 5th time!! My friend, however, was not so lucky. He had to fork over two tubes of toothpaste (why he brought 2, I'll never know) and a relatively new bottle of hair gel. Yikes! I, however, escaped Scot-free with the following: a full-size bottle each of shampoo and conditioner, a full-size bottle of saline (contact) solution, a 4-oz. bottle of body wash (the limit is 3 oz.), a full-size tube of toothpaste, and a large bottle of sunscreen. How I got through with it and my friend didn't is anyone's guess.
Upon our arrival in Colorado, my friend bought another bottle of hair gel (and mooched my toothpaste). On the flight back to Arizona, he asked if he might "smuggle" his hair gel in my carry-on. I agreed, fearless as usual.
I got through again!! This time I had the entire list above, though minus the shampoo and conditioner (they ran out) and plus a full-size bottle of hair gel. TSA regulations, my butt! It's stupid enough as it is, but to not even consistenly enforce it, well... that's just silly.
In other news, I'm trying to accumulate as many part-time (easy!) jobs as I can. This week, I'll be doing the paperwork to get me on board with Yavapai College as a tutor for various subjects. Ultimately, I'm hoping to get my foot in the door to be an adjunct faculty member. We'll see how that goes.
Today I put in an application with Best Western, to see if I can work at the front desk... We'll see if they get back to me! Perhaps I'll relax & enjoy life someday, but for now, I've got massive credit card/student loan debt to repay!! (Plus I can earn more for retirement if I have more jobs!)
Okee, I think that's about it for now. Have a great day, y'all! :)
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