Wednesday, November 21, 2007

God bless Vicodin!!!

So I'm in love. With Vicodin. But not in a bad way!!!

Here's my story:

I went to bed last night at a fairly reasonable hour (before midnight, anyway!). I've been sick for the past week, and the past three days have been awful.

Anyway, last night, I had SEVERE pain and pressure in my left cheekbone, jaw, and forehead. I was congested, and every time I coughed, it caused excruciating pain in my throat and chest. Owee!!

After an hour and a half of this misery, I did something I don't do as much as I once did: I prayed. I prayed to God/the Universe/my grandparents/whomever was listening. I wanted the pain to end!! I have no idea how people deal with migranes; I don't know if I'd be able to do it. Ouch!

I was kind of upset when my pain wasn't automatically alleviated, so I sat in bed and sulked for a while. Then, I finally stumbled to my computer to go to, where I read enough to realize that I have a sinus infection. A rather nasty one, too!

"Well, self," I reasoned, "this thing ain't gonna cure itself. Off to the hospital!"

I drove my sorry ass to the local E.R., which is just a few miles from my house. At this point, it was about 1:30am. Within a mere hour (remarkably fast for the E.R.!), I walked out, diagnosis and prescriptions in hand. A nice doctor (who may not be so nice when I get the bills in a few weeks) confirmed my self-diagnosis of sinus infection. He sent me home with 3 prescriptions: one for an antibiotic, one to get rid of mucus, and ... yes, Vicodin.

Possibly the only other time I've come in contact with oxycodone is when I had my wisdom teeth out 5 years ago. However, this wonderful drug has let me get through a full day of work in virtually no pain!!

So I was thinking about it today: perhaps my prayers really *were* answered, somehow, somewhere. If the pain had just subsided last night, it would almost certainly be back today, and I'd be right back to where I started. However, the pain was so remarkably unbearable last night that I took actions to get it taken care of in the longer term. Score. So maybe I'm looking for something that isn't necessarily there, but maybe... it is.

That's all for now. One more hour, then I bust outta work for Turkey Day weekend!! :)


Anonymous said...

HAHA. Don't you read the bottle? VICODIN IS NOT OXYCODONE. It's hydrocodone. Oxycodone goes by the brand names Percocet (with tylenol) or OxyContin.

Marybeth said...

Eeesh, sorry. I fail at recognizing painkillers. Now I know. Thanks.