Saturday, November 3, 2007

Happy November!

Good day, readers! I hope you're doing well.

First, as a complete and total aside, I was just re-reading this entire blog. I noticed some inconsistencies (e.g., soliciting comments, then taking it back, then soliciting again!), but I also realized something else... I'd mentioned 2 entries ago that I was going to send a philosophically-inspired e-mail to friends and family, in hopes of a great response. Though I can't always trust my memory, I'm pretty certain I *did* send out that e-mail (to maybe 20 people?), and NO ONE responded. Sigh.

Anyway, I've had some pretty cool experiences lately that have been completely altering my preconceived notions of some topics. I have been hanging with a gent who was in the military for over 8 years, and I've gained some amazing paradigm shifts from our conversations. Turns out you really *can't* sterotype a group, just based on one or two common characteristics. (I must admit, I was guilty of this at times.) No matter what their political persuasion, there are intelligent (and not-so-intelligent) people all around. So there. I'm growing up.

I've been noticing a kind of restlessness lately. At first, it seemed it was just among some of my friends, but I'm seeing it in the general population, too. I think we're so bombarded with concerns (e.g., global warming/pollution, debt, war, education, health care, and so forth) that we don't know what to do! I keep talking with my coworkers about how to go about making the world better... but it's not an easy task! I've been trying to start with myself (being the best person I can be and all that), but even in my own nature, I fall short of my aspirations. Seems self-control is a huge roadblock to some people (coughMEcough). Sigh.

Hmm... I'm even restless writing this entry!! I'm trying to think of writing something I haven't posted on this before, but it's very difficult. Ah, I can fortunately find solace in reading Sophie's World (even though I'm at the college, "tutoring"- but no students need help!!)... Anyway. My apologies.

I feel I should tell a story or a clever anecdote or something. Hmmm... Nope. Sorry. Nothing. For now, me voy (I'm going). Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI, restless one! I had been looking forward to receiving the posting of which you speak but apparently I/we were not ones to whom you sent it. Send it to me and I promise a response. Perhaps not the one you're looking for or the one you want, but I will be honest and truthful with my comments.

Ever since about kindergarten (if not preschool), you've been trying to make the world a better place. You started by reaching out to new or shy students and including them in your activities. Later, when you were in fourth grade, all you wanted for your birthday was to adopt a whale. I'm not sure if it was third grade or fifth grade when you sent around petitions re global warming and recycling. In high school, you collected a lot of money for charities. I can't tell you how many years you volunteered for Christmas in April and Habitat for Humanity. At Mayer, you single-handedly (sp?) began collecting funds for a new playground for the students.

Keep up the good work. The world needs more people like you. We are proud of you and love you lots and lots and even more!

Momita, Daddio, SFA

P.S. Go, Bucks!