Frick, frick, frick... so I may have screwed up...
Today, I was visiting the school where I taught last year. It was on work time, as I had to both pick up and drop off paperwork for one of the programs we do with the school. My 6th grade teacher friend (whom I like a great deal) asked me if I would talk to her girls about puberty & "girl issues" and the like. I (foolishly???) agreed, and she took her boys off to the library so I could chat with the girls alone. (Fortunately, *this* at least is legal, as I am still certified K-8, and can thus be alone in a classroom of kids.)
Well, I talked to the girls for about 20 minutes about some uncomfortable topics... We discussed periods, tampons, STDs, and so on. I was shocked to discover that most of the girls had NO idea that a period means their body is ready to conceive a child. No clue!! A few girls asked me (independent of one another) if two women who are intimate together could get pregnant. Oy!! I tried to be as honest and open (and patient) as I could through the whole thing, and I think I did a good job to that end.
HOWEVER, panic set in once the girls were off to lunch. I spoke with my teacher friend alone in her classroom, expressing my concerns that I might have overstepped some boundaries. (After all, we did briefly discuss condoms and birth control.) Eek!! I didn't talk at all about abstinence or abortion, so that might be helpful... but we talked about a lot of uncomfortable stuff about which the girls were curious. Anyway, the teacher friend she'd watch out for me however she could. I left feeling very nervous.
I spoke with a friend and with my mom, both of whom said I did the right thing. At the time, I didn't question that what I did was right. I figured I was giving the girls crucial information that they needed, and that they weren't getting elsewhere. (Currently, the school has NO form of sex ed, the nurse doesn't give talks, etc.) I just was upset that by doing what I felt to be right, I could get myself fired. Sucky.
Back at work, I told my 2 coworkers what had happened. I think they both thought I was pretty stupid for doing that, and proceeded to tell me why. I'm all FOR information, though, and it's the parent's job to help their children make informed decisions. Parents can ALWAYS counter what is taught in schools; teachers don't have the same luxury (of countering parents' ideas). In the public school arena, unfortunately, parents have the ultimate say. Who cares if teenage pregnancy is rampant in the area? Who cares if STD rates are skyrocketing? I do. And I did something about it. And now I might get in trouble for it. It just SUCKS.
Anyway, I eventually told the whole situation to my boss, who wasn't thrilled. She told me, "You need to learn to tell people 'no.'" Maybe, but I also believe that if you keep your mouth shut on important matters, that's dangerous and unjust, too! Sigh.
I guess I can just imagine the whole thing being blown out of proportion... I see angry parents calling the school tomorrow, demanding to know who the hell told their kids these things. I see my name getting mentioned, the health department looking bad, and me having to fight to keep my job. I see a nasty court case, where I tearily remark on the stand, "But I was doing what was right! How else can we enact change if we don't spread good information??" I see the judge and the jury shaking their heads in disapproval. I see me flipping burgers until I'm old and gray. I see my life turning into a Lifetime Original Movie that has a conclusion at the end: "Marybeth and her landmark case in fighting teenage pregnancy turned out for the worst. To date, she has appealed her case twice, and is $500,000 in debt from lawyers' fees."
Now I'm second-guessing my decision, but I still feel in my heart that I did the right thing. We'll see within the next week if the parents agree...
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I'm of course effectively useless in all this; but I do agree with you. You're a licensed teacher, and everything you said was valid/true/etc.
So. Um. Good luck! Let me know if anything comes of this. And you know if you need to talk, I'm here for ya, Issima!
Nice blog! Sorry to hear about the mess. Does your state accept funding from the federal government for sex ed? If they don't, like Ohio does not, then you should be fine. However, you might not even be in trouble b/c it wasn't your idea and you are a teacher. Hopefully all your worrying is for nothing and no parents will call. I'm sure you'll be fine! :-) I think I would have done the same thing you did and talked to the students. I get so frustrated with the lack of health education in schools/the passing out of misinformation. You wouldn't believe the things we were taught in my school's sex ed program! Ayiyiyi! Anyway, best of luck on everything :-) We'll keep our fingers crossed for you!
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
You made the best choice you could have in the situation. Even if all your catastrophizing comes true you're never going to regret being a GOOD TEACHER, and above that, a GOOD PERSON for these girls.
But ya know what, it won't come to that, so stop freaking out :) (easier said then done hah. I had more insightful stuff but none of it came out coherently...)
Call whenever you need to.
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