Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ego boost! :)

So, I guess I kind of (indirectly) asked for it, but it was cool anyway.

Quick back-story: I was tutoring yesterday (read: sitting around, chatting with another tutor), and the girl we were helping occasionally joined in our conversation. Toward the end, one of her (male) classmates was waiting around, and eventually he asked for her number. THEN the (male) tutor I was chatting with (a high school senior, no less) was totally macking on this other girl! He ended up getting her number, too! I went home a bit... well, not bummed, but interested that I saw two number-getting sessions in a half hour.

Anyway, today I was driving the County car to a school to drop off some paperwork. There was a good deal of construction there, so I had to wait for one side of traffic to go while our side waited. Since it was GORGEOUS out (about 72 and mostly sunny), I had the window rolled down and the radio blastin'. Well, a construction worker meandered his way over to an unsuspecting me.

"What's an attractive girl like you doing working for the County?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Um, I really like working for the County, actually. It's a pretty sweet job."

And we talked for a few minutes. Right before it was time for me to go, he said, "How would you feel about me getting your number and going with me to grab a beer sometime?"

Having already run this scenario through my head, I'd replied, "Well, I'm seeing someone. I'm sorry." Not true, but it did the trick in the nicest way possible.

We exchanged niceties, and I was on my way.

Then, later today, I was carrying some papers from the car to the office, and a man called after me. "Excuse me!" he'd yelled.

I turned around, startled.

"You are just gorgeous."

"Oh, stop," I'd said, brushing off the comment.

"No, really, you are! I'm sure you get that a lot."

"No, not really, but thank you!" I'd replied. "Have a great day!" And I was off.

Ha... So that was my double-dose of ego boosts for the day!! :) Nevermind that they both looked like (young) ex-cons...


Anonymous said...

You are gorgeous -- and kind, sweet, thoughtful, generous, and basically wonderful. These men had very good taste!

Momita :)

Unknown said...

Go Issima, picking up the youngexcon type. I'm so darned proud. ;)

Jim said...

Your Momita is right :)