I saw "Superbad" and "The Invasion" this past weekend, on separate occasions. "Superbad" was just that... super bad. It was mostly awful. It completely condoned the teenage pursuit of alcohol and ass. This wouldn't be a problem, had I not been working for the health department. I'm constantly bombarded with disturbing stats about teenage pregnancies and the fatalities (and addictions!) that occur because of irresponsible underage drinking. Grrr. Stupid, all of it. And the critics loved it. I was ready to leave the theatre at numerous points. Police officers were VERY crudely portrayed (like they don't get enough crap from the general public), idiocy was rewarded time and again, the profanity obscured the asinine speeches of the mediocre cast... I should stop.
Anyway, I rather enjoyed "The Invasion," which was torn a new one by critics. I actually thought the message portrayed in the film was provocative and well-presented. Just me. The general theme? Is our way of life really worth fighting for? Reminiscent of Stephen King's recent Cell. Interesting messages, at the very least.
Next topic: older women preying on younger men. I'm sick of it. I think it's gross and wrong. On numerous occasions (the most recent case being today), I've seen older (middle-aged), childless women prey on men about half their age. It seems predatory, and I definitely question the motivations of these ladies. I don't have such an issue with older men and younger women, probably because it's deemed more socially acceptable... I dunno. Am I wrong here? Who's to say?
Next: Today, I visited the school where I taught last year... SO weird! I went with 2 other County workers to pitch some of the programs we offer (physical activity and nutrition education). I saw several familiar faces, and was very warmly received. It was an ego boost, for sure. So much so, in fact, that I'll actually be returning tomorrow night for their open house. Love it... can't WAIT to see my former students. I miss them a great deal.
Finally, what's up with me reminiscing about the past? Relationships, jobs, situations all seem better when they're gone. I was in a minifunk today because of the immense nostalgia I experienced for times past. So bizarre.
Anyway, one more funny animal picture, then I'm off to bed!
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