Yesterday for my b-day, I came into work (a bit late- oops) to find a stapler on the middle of my desk. In Jell-O. It was awesome. If that means nothing to you, you clearly don't watch "The Office," the best series on TV! Here's how it was done on the show:

I took pictures also with my camera, so I'll upload my coworker's rendition when I get the chance. Sheer hilarity! The whole thing definitely made my day start on the right note. (Update: 8.20.07: Here is a photo of *my* Jell-Oed stapler!!)

The rest of the b-day was mellow... Got flowers from the fam & the new man, then I had a splitting headache for 4 hours. Go figure. Perhaps it's due to my new caffeine consumption... My roommate makes enough coffee in the morning for me to have a cup, so I've been partaking. Yesterday, I did not. I then had the excruciating headache. Related? I hope not, but just to be on the safe side, I had a cup this morning. No headache yet.
I'm feeling a little out-of-place at work today. The past few days, it kind of feels like my coworker (of the Jell-O/stapler fame) and my boss have ben taking some digs at me. I mean, it's all in good humor, and I throw it right back, but I'm wondering if my boss actually *likes* me or not. I've been backing off on the grammatical correcting, I've been trying to keep my oddball comments & ideas to myself... I dunno. I'm sure it'll pass, but I kind of feel out of the loop at the moment.
Interestingly enough (and I may have mentioned this), I'm missing being in the classroom. Well, having my own classroom. It's weird, because I was sooooo miserable teaching last year! And it is kind of nice to not have to go back to that whole thing right now, but we'll see. Sigh.
In other news, it seems many states & countries are having trouble deciding what to do about underage drinking. New Zealand dropped their drinking age from 20 to 18; the UK is considering raising their age from 18 to 21. New Hampshire is trying to crack down on its underage laws, with disputed success. I've attended some conferences here in Arizona, where we're starting to seriously address the problem of underage drinking. Honestly, I've got mixed feelings about it; I certainly drank underage in my college years, though I understand that alcohol (and any drug) can certainly be a reason for national concern.
Anyway, that's about it for now. In an hour, I'm off to tutor training for the community college! :) I start tutoring in less than two weeks, and I'm psyched! Yay for (a little) extra money and intellectual stimulation! Yay for getting my foot in the door to be an adjunct faculty member! :) Ciao for now, world.
1 comment:
I don't watch The Office when I'm not with you... but the Jell-o stapler? Awesome anyway. I love that a coworker did that for you after the show. Heh.
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