Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ego boost! :)

So, I guess I kind of (indirectly) asked for it, but it was cool anyway.

Quick back-story: I was tutoring yesterday (read: sitting around, chatting with another tutor), and the girl we were helping occasionally joined in our conversation. Toward the end, one of her (male) classmates was waiting around, and eventually he asked for her number. THEN the (male) tutor I was chatting with (a high school senior, no less) was totally macking on this other girl! He ended up getting her number, too! I went home a bit... well, not bummed, but interested that I saw two number-getting sessions in a half hour.

Anyway, today I was driving the County car to a school to drop off some paperwork. There was a good deal of construction there, so I had to wait for one side of traffic to go while our side waited. Since it was GORGEOUS out (about 72 and mostly sunny), I had the window rolled down and the radio blastin'. Well, a construction worker meandered his way over to an unsuspecting me.

"What's an attractive girl like you doing working for the County?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Um, I really like working for the County, actually. It's a pretty sweet job."

And we talked for a few minutes. Right before it was time for me to go, he said, "How would you feel about me getting your number and going with me to grab a beer sometime?"

Having already run this scenario through my head, I'd replied, "Well, I'm seeing someone. I'm sorry." Not true, but it did the trick in the nicest way possible.

We exchanged niceties, and I was on my way.

Then, later today, I was carrying some papers from the car to the office, and a man called after me. "Excuse me!" he'd yelled.

I turned around, startled.

"You are just gorgeous."

"Oh, stop," I'd said, brushing off the comment.

"No, really, you are! I'm sure you get that a lot."

"No, not really, but thank you!" I'd replied. "Have a great day!" And I was off.

Ha... So that was my double-dose of ego boosts for the day!! :) Nevermind that they both looked like (young) ex-cons...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Boring = bad??

So a certain friend/ex-boyfriend of mine informed me today that my blog is somewhat dry. ("Boring" was the exact term used.)


In my defense, I say that this "boring"ness may result from a lack of drama, which I perceive as a good thing. However, for this entry, I shall be a bit more personal, if for no other reason than to change it up a bit.

Here are 10 personal things going on in my life (Mom, you may want to skip this posting)...

10.) I'm somewhat restless, even though I really like my job. I'd love to take a trip to Asia or Australia (thus hitting continent #5 at or before age 25), but I can't afford it at present.

9.) "The Bucket List" was awesome! I saw it yesterday with a fellow tutor, and it rocked. I will probably make a "bucket list" of my own soon, listing those things I'd like to see/do before I die.

8.) I haven't been in love in over a year, and I miss it (being in love). A lot. However, I'm kind of enjoying "kickin' it" with myself. It's also kinda nice to not have to share my bed! :)

7.) I have a standing offer for a menage trois with a lovely couple not far from me. We'll see how that plays out, though I can see myself getting cold feet.

6.) I'm suddenly more aware of my mortality and how fragile life can be. (This was before I saw "The Bucket List," by the way, so it was in no way influenced by that.)

5.) For once, I really, really like who I am. I think I am a pretty decent person, and I'm proud to be me. However, this recent discovery has made me extremely picky in the guy department. So much so that I'm afraid I've turned down several really great guys due to minimal annoyances. (Case in point: I ultimately broke up wiht one guy because he cleared his throat LITERALLY every two minutes.)

4.) Though I really don't like saying I have any regrets, I do. I wish I'd treated my boyfriends better a few years back. I wish I'd have picked one and stuck with him, no matter what outside distractions came my way. (I'm afraid I won't be able to commit long-term when it really comes down to it... However, I know I can work at it and make a good commitment happen if I really want to.)

3.) I'm really stoked about my new goal to run a half-marathon this year. I realized today, during a 42-minute run, that I may actually be able to do this thing. Right now, I've chosen Columbus, Ohio's event in October. I chose there because of the following reasons: my family is in Ohio and could come see me; it'd literally be running down memory lane, since I went to undergrad at OSU; there's one person in particular who lives there who I'd *really* want to come cheer me on.

2.) I really want kids someday. This has caused me to no longer date anyone who does not want children. (I'm also extremely hesitant to date someone who isn't sure about kids.) I think- honest to God/universe- that I'd make one hell of a parent.

1.) Recently, I've decided/realized that I'm addicted to love, or at least the pursuit of it. It drives me, it really does. And while I want success (as measured by a good salary that I'd help others with), I desire romantic love above all else right now. However, it doesn't seem it's in the cards, so I'm taking this time to chill out and enjoy my stint in my little town in Arizona. :) At least it's warmish and beautiful!

There. Personal enough for you? Have a good one, folks!

Friday, February 22, 2008

BEST site ever!!!

So check out ... It'll rock your world!!!

My favorite quiz is about lines in "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel... Awesome!! Anyway, try this site out, and props to my mom for sending the address to me!

Happy weekend! :)

Friday, February 8, 2008

Teenagers aren't so bad...

... I had a really good day that revolved around spending time with "them:" teenagers! Up until a few months ago, I thought I detested that age group, but I'm learning that they're really not that bad! :)

Our cessation class this morning was great! The teenagers were insightful, respectful, and very honest. I learned two things about them:

1.) NONE of them eat breakfast on a regular basis. (In fact, most agreed that if they ever *do* eat breakfast, it's on the weekends.)

2.) 8 of 10 have parents/guardians who smoke currently. Fascinating!

Anyway, it was a really nice morning, and I'm looking forward to my next 4 classes with them.

Next, we went to my roommate's drama class to judge their final tobacco skits. They were awesome!! It'll be hard picking a winner, so they might all win. (Winners will have their skits made into videos that will be shown to 4th/5th graders all over the area. We're even talking now about presenting the video at a regional conference this summer!) My coworkers, my roommate, the students, and I are all stoked about this collaboration! How awesome is *that*?? This could be huge! :)

Okee, that's all for now. I hope I've redeemed myself from the fiasco of Wednesday... (I also saved the County $400 on $1,000 worth of ordering, so that was good, too!) :D

Have a good weekend, all!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Did I do the right thing???

Frick, frick, frick... so I may have screwed up...

Today, I was visiting the school where I taught last year. It was on work time, as I had to both pick up and drop off paperwork for one of the programs we do with the school. My 6th grade teacher friend (whom I like a great deal) asked me if I would talk to her girls about puberty & "girl issues" and the like. I (foolishly???) agreed, and she took her boys off to the library so I could chat with the girls alone. (Fortunately, *this* at least is legal, as I am still certified K-8, and can thus be alone in a classroom of kids.)

Well, I talked to the girls for about 20 minutes about some uncomfortable topics... We discussed periods, tampons, STDs, and so on. I was shocked to discover that most of the girls had NO idea that a period means their body is ready to conceive a child. No clue!! A few girls asked me (independent of one another) if two women who are intimate together could get pregnant. Oy!! I tried to be as honest and open (and patient) as I could through the whole thing, and I think I did a good job to that end.

HOWEVER, panic set in once the girls were off to lunch. I spoke with my teacher friend alone in her classroom, expressing my concerns that I might have overstepped some boundaries. (After all, we did briefly discuss condoms and birth control.) Eek!! I didn't talk at all about abstinence or abortion, so that might be helpful... but we talked about a lot of uncomfortable stuff about which the girls were curious. Anyway, the teacher friend she'd watch out for me however she could. I left feeling very nervous.

I spoke with a friend and with my mom, both of whom said I did the right thing. At the time, I didn't question that what I did was right. I figured I was giving the girls crucial information that they needed, and that they weren't getting elsewhere. (Currently, the school has NO form of sex ed, the nurse doesn't give talks, etc.) I just was upset that by doing what I felt to be right, I could get myself fired. Sucky.

Back at work, I told my 2 coworkers what had happened. I think they both thought I was pretty stupid for doing that, and proceeded to tell me why. I'm all FOR information, though, and it's the parent's job to help their children make informed decisions. Parents can ALWAYS counter what is taught in schools; teachers don't have the same luxury (of countering parents' ideas). In the public school arena, unfortunately, parents have the ultimate say. Who cares if teenage pregnancy is rampant in the area? Who cares if STD rates are skyrocketing? I do. And I did something about it. And now I might get in trouble for it. It just SUCKS.

Anyway, I eventually told the whole situation to my boss, who wasn't thrilled. She told me, "You need to learn to tell people 'no.'" Maybe, but I also believe that if you keep your mouth shut on important matters, that's dangerous and unjust, too! Sigh.

I guess I can just imagine the whole thing being blown out of proportion... I see angry parents calling the school tomorrow, demanding to know who the hell told their kids these things. I see my name getting mentioned, the health department looking bad, and me having to fight to keep my job. I see a nasty court case, where I tearily remark on the stand, "But I was doing what was right! How else can we enact change if we don't spread good information??" I see the judge and the jury shaking their heads in disapproval. I see me flipping burgers until I'm old and gray. I see my life turning into a Lifetime Original Movie that has a conclusion at the end: "Marybeth and her landmark case in fighting teenage pregnancy turned out for the worst. To date, she has appealed her case twice, and is $500,000 in debt from lawyers' fees."

Now I'm second-guessing my decision, but I still feel in my heart that I did the right thing. We'll see within the next week if the parents agree...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

quick thoughts...

1.) is it better to have privatization of all industries, or should the government solely take care of certain realms (e.g., healthcare and education)?? i'll elaborate more on these later...

2.) super tuesday!!! i voted. :) i'm stoked to see how this will all turn out...

3.) lent starts tomorrow, ash wednesday... i am giving up alcohol this year. that's right, friends... for the next 40 days, i will abstain from ze drink. wish me luck!

4.) i had my dysplasia "frozen" off today, which was not too bad, but extremely painful afterwards!!!

i must elaborate more later, as i have time. my sincerest apologies. for now, i take my leave.