Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My October Story

My morning was off to a ROUGH start, let me tell you! So I’m “training” for the half (I say “training” because I have no idea what I’m doing!) … and today I’d decided to step it up to a 4-mile run (per my plan)… so the run started off well… According to my Garmin watch (with GPS!), I was keeping about a 9:34 pace, which is AWESOME for me. So I was all happy. And I started on a new route today, since my mileage slightly increased.

About halfway through the run, the sidewalk had a slight dip in it. “Ooh!” I”d thought to myself, “I can surely fly down that little hill!” And fly I did… I totally biffed it!! OUCH!!!! My knee & my whole right forearm were TOTALLY scraped up, bloody, etc. It HURT!!! I was shocked at first, then I cried, then wallowed in self pity for a few minutes. Yuck. Eventually, I got back up and started walking, which was pretty painful. I tried running again, but it hurt, so I walked. After about 5-10 minutes of walking, though, I realized I wouldn’t make it home in time to get ready for school if I kept walking. I realized I’d be in pain whether I walked or ran, so I decided to start running again. After a minute or two, I felt OK (though my arm was SCREAMING in pain from the wind resistance)… and I actually felt good after another mile. I picked my pace up from a 9:51 mile to a 9:40 mile, which was pretty decent considering the circumstances. At the end of the 4.18 miles (which is what 41 minutes of running got me), I stopped and walked.

As soon as I started walking, my knee was in excruciating pain!! Ow!! I limped in the house, got some water, made some coffee, then dragged my tattered self upstairs. It was only 6:25, so I still had about 45 minutes to get ready. However, I was in such awful pain that I had to sit on the couch, prop my bloody leg up, and ice it. OUCH!! Holy CRAP, did that hurt. The tears streamed down, and I started feeling bad again. I’d considered calling off school today, but figured I didn’t want another day off before our break! (I’d called off the day after Noah broke up with me.)

Eventually, I mustered up the strength to take a shower and rinse off… OW!!!!! I used the coolest water possible, and it still was an absolutely horrid situation. I woke my roommate up at 7 to help me clean the wounds (I didn’t want to put any ointment on myself!!). I took 1,000mg of ibuprofen and stifled the screams as my roommate helped me clean up. I have photos, too! Even Barbie took some because she was so impressed. ;) I’m legit!

I got to school, and immediately got the sympathy of EVERYONE. I’m not gonna lie- it was pretty nice. Fortunately, our school nurse was there and she helped dress the wounds. The knee hurts MORE now that it’s all bandaged (since the bandage moves a bit every time I walk), but I suppose it’s for the best. I had to hobble out to morning bus duty, where I had a student bring me a chair. I sat for a few minutes, and then was called to the office. A nice teacher watched the bus area for me, and I went to the office…

… Only to get chewed out by an irate mother!! “You’re not doing your job,” she’d scolded, angrily. “My son has dyslexia, and you’re doing NOTHING to help him. He’s failing, and it’s your fault.” I told the mother I wasn’t aware her son had dyslexia (it’s not on his IEP). “Well you’re his teacher, right? It’s YOUR job to read the paperwork.” BLEH!! I actually broke down crying in the middle of angry momma’s rant and ended the conversation like a wounded puppy. The office ladies kicked out the students in the office the second I started crying, so I could save face. Man, that woman tore me apart. Bleh! She ended with, “If things ain’t fixed tonight, I’ma come up there tomorrow and talk to you in person. Bye.” YUCK!!

Anyway, the day’s been ok otherwise. The kids are generally sympathetic and helpful and they find it funny that their teacher has to limp around like a gimp all day. At the middle of my 3rd class, I finally had to sit down. “If you have questions, please come to me,” I’d requested. The kids generally obliged, which was very helpful.

So that’s my start of October 2008!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my poor girl! I'm so sorry your October came in like a lion and ate you up. I take it the mother was on the phone. Why did she wait so long in the year to make that known to you? If she had concerns, she should have expressed them at the beginning of the year or at meet the teacher night or even on conference night. No one can make you feel bad without your consent. Don't consent to her antics. Know that you know he has dyslexia, you two can plan a strategy so you can work with him at school and she can help him at home. Don't let her put everything on you. I take it none of his other teachers mentioned his having dyslexia (Do they even know?) during your team meerings. Your team and the mother can all work together to make him have a successful year. Make her part of the team but you and the other teachers are the quarterbacks, not the mother.

Maya said...

It's the mom's responsibility to make sure that's in an IEP. An IEP gets updated every year with a big meeting with all the teachers. Also, her son could have said something to you privately at any time. (Well, my mom at least made sure that my siblings and I always told the teachers directly about our disabilities but I suppose most parents don't do that). In any case, it's nothing you could have foreseen so try not to let her get you down :-) Like your mom said, you have the info now and you can work to do something about it. No one can expect you to be a mind reader!