Monday, March 10, 2008

My polygraph!

So today I took my first (and hopefully last!) polygraph test!! Eeek!!

Why, you might ask, would an upstanding citizen such as myself need to take such a test? Well, I'll tell you!

The short of it is that I'm trying to be a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for a child/children in the area. Since I'd be "working" for the Supreme Court, I am required to pass a polygraph. Crazy!!

Anyway, it was very interesting. The guy (who was very nice and who walked me through the whole thing) asked me 2 sets of questions, each set having 30 questions in it. We went over them together, and then I had to answer them again while hooked up to the machine. Crazy!

The apparatus, straight out of 1972, had 3 measuring implements:

1.) a blood-pressure cuff
2.) 2 electronode thingees to measure how much sweat I produced
3.) a phone-cord-like thing that went around my chest to measure my breathing

It was wild! Anyway... arg... Looks like it's time for me to go to job #2 (tutoring), then band, so I'll have to conclude this enthralling story later! Ciao!

1 comment:

Maya said...

ooo i really really want to do that! can you tell me more about the process and also what it's like once you start? i first read about it on the Internet last year but i don't know anyone who has actually worked in the CASA program so i didn't want to go through the process if it was awful. but now that you're doing it... :-)